Office Moving Tips

When planning a business move, it's important to ask:

What are the most critical aspects surrounding a business move?

For TWO MEN AND A TRUCK®, the answer is - Whatever is important to you!

Your priorities could include completing the move within a certain timeframe, minimizing your downtime to limit the disruption to employees and your customers, completing the move within a certain budget, or anything else that might prevent your business from running smoothly.

Inform us up front of your priorities to ensure we exceed your expectations.

Tips for a smooth office move:

  • Conduct a pre-move conference with office managers
  • Communicate with your employees to ensure they know their roles and responsibilities prior to and during the move
  • Practice "good labeling"
  • Provide floor plans and drawings to your moving company
  • Ensure any necessary elevators are reserved in advance
  • Ensure loading docks are reserved in advance
  • Ensure enough parking for moving trucks is available on the day of the move
  • Limit employee participation on move day
  • Make sure all electronic equipment is powered off. "Sleep mode" is easily mistaken for "off" and unplugging equipment in this state can cause damage.

We are professional movers and not electricians or plumbers - be sure to contact your other professionals to make sure your equipment is safely disconnected and reconnected. Once disconnected, we can then move the equipment to the next destination.